The Learner Profile
Meadowridge School believes whole-heartedly in the development of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile attributes for all members of our school community. The Learner Profile outlines the attributes to which we work toward every day.
Part of the planning of Units of Inquiry focuses on the Learner Profile and classroom teachers use literature and other resources to teach about these attributes. Additionally, our Library has a wide range of literary titles which reinforce each Learner Profile. We view the development of these attributes as important not only as a part of children’s school life, but also in their lives outside of school.
We strive to be Knowledgeable about the world, natural Inquirers, deep Thinkers, Communicators in a variety of ways, Caring towards ourselves and others, Principled in our actions, Open-minded to all, Balanced in our daily lives, Risk-takers in new learning situations and Reflective.
Why the Learner Profile?
The IB learner profile represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.
The Learner Profile is referenced in the School Mission and Vision statements. There are Learner Profile visuals in all PYP and MYP classrooms, the gymnasium, offices, and meeting rooms throughout the school. The Learner Profile is an important feature in student planners and agendas, and included in a variety of informational brochures and handbooks. It is referred to in teacher course outlines, unit planners, assessment documents and progress reports.
The Learner Profile is an important part of our daily conversations with students in classroom settings, in the hallways at break times and during co-curricular activities.