We want our graduates to shape our world, to serve, and to lead.
The program is structured for students to define their priorities, acquire research skills, and learn to make important decisions in an environment of teamwork and community support.
Post-secondary counsellors start meeting with students early in their academic careers. Through one-on-one meetings, information sessions, and collaborative gatherings with their teachers, students learn to increase their self-awareness, discover their passions, and define their post-secondary goals.
The program is structured for students to define their priorities, acquire research skills, and learn to make important decisions in an environment of teamwork and community support. It is our goal that students choose universities where they will be creative, active contributors who thrive and excel.
By starting the process in a student’s grade 10 year, along with engaging them throughout the entire process, students become more responsible for their grades and learning, while meeting application requirements. The post-secondary search process is thorough and all-encompassing.
Post-Secondary Counselling Blog
The Search Process
Early on in their academic career, students are encouraged to make long-term commitments to creative, activity, and service. Students are also expected to take on leadership opportunities and to strive for academic excellence. In Grade 10, students officially begin working with their Post-Secondary Counsellor.
Parent Resources
Parents are an important part of the post-secondary application process, and our counsellors work with both student and parent from onset. Parents are supported through group information meetings, one-on-one individual meetings and joint meetings with their child.
Counsellors have a variety of resources and readings to help educate the entire family on everything they’ll need to know about their child’s next step.