Meadowridge News

Mrs. Stacy Banack Talks Gardening

Mrs. Stacy Banack
OE3 Coordinator & MYP Parent

Gardening is great for spending time as a family. If you are looking for ways to enjoy some family time, get outside more, and eat healthier, then growing a garden is for you! The process of planning, planting, and harvesting food is beneficial to your body, mind, and soul. It provides a wonderful opportunity to spend time with children of all ages. It is a unique and gratifying experience to eat food you have grown yourself.

If you are looking for ways to enjoy some family time, get outside more, and eat healthier, then growing a garden is for you.

Gardening doesn’t have to be scary. Getting started can be a bit intimidating, but gardening doesn’t have to be mysterious or complicated. In fact, with just a tiny bit of research and willingness to try something new, you might discover a new hobby that the whole family can enjoy.

Mrs. Banack’s Tricks & Tips
Start Your Own Garden at Home

Here’s what you’ll need

  • A sunny location. Most vegetables require full sun, which means at least six hours of sunlight a day.
  • Raised beds or containers that drain water well. In-ground garden beds work well, too, but require more work to get the soil prepared.
  • High-quality soil. Purchasing soil from a gardening centre will ensure that you have the right mix for your plants.
  • Easy access to water. If watering is inconvenient, it will soon become a tiresome job.
  • A planting chart for the Lower Mainland. You can find one on the West Coast Seeds website: Knowing what grows well in your area and knowing what time of year to plant is necessary for success.
  • Seeds and seedlings. Gardening requires patience, so starting with a few seedlings will provide a sense of immediate accomplishment.
Saplings sprouting from the soil in a plant container

Did You Know?

At Meadowridge School, our students learn to have an appreciation for the outdoors as soon as they begin their educational journeys from Junior Kindergarten which continues until graduation through our Outdoor Experiential, Ecological, Education Program (OE3).

Teachers, students, and parents tend to the gardens and grow produce and herbs to use in our cafeteria: we grow beans, cucumbers, garlic, kale, lettuce, onions, peas, pumpkins, radishes, squashes, sunflowers, tomatoes, dwarf apple trees, and more!


Tips for Success

Start small... Begin by growing just a few of your family’s favourite foods.

Have a plan before you go to the garden centre, otherwise, the options can be overwhelming. Consult an expert or do a bit of research first. Your local library will have some good resources for beginner gardeners and a quick Google search will provide you with many tutorials. We suggest West Coast Seeds as a helpful starting point for information and supplies.

Involve your children in the planning, prepping, and planting. The more ownership they have, the more engaged they will be.

Have fun with it by documenting the process: take pictures, keep a journal, or if you’re techy, start a blog! is a free and easy-to-use service that allows you to share the experience.

Don’t be afraid of failure. Treat it as an experiment and learning experience! Slugs, deer, rain and dry spells can all be challenges, but they are part of the fun.

Easy-to-Grow Suggestions

Salsa garden: Roma tomatoes, scallions, and cilantro.

Italian garden: Plum tomatoes, basil, and marigolds.

Snack garden: Snap peas, carrots, radishes, and cherry tomatoes.

Salad garden: There are many easy and fast-growing leafy greens: spinach, mesclun, romaine, and kale.

Remember the flowers! They are beautiful, but they also attract pollinators and can protect your veggies from pests. Easy ones to start with include marigolds, sunflowers, petunias, and nasturtiums.