Meadowridge News

Save the Date: The Celebration of Learning is on Tuesday, April 16

On Tuesday, April 16, the Grade 10’s and 12’s will be sharing their final Personal Projects and Capstone Presentations in the gym.

This day will allow the Grade 12’s to meet the Ministry’s Capstone requirement for graduation, as students highlight their work over the last three years, including the Extended Essay, TOK exhibitions, CAS projects, and volunteer and work experience. Families are welcome to join from 10:05am to 11:20am to help us celebrate the amazing journey of our students. 
On Wednesday, April 24, the Grade 11s’ will share their TOK Exhibitions, examining connections between artifacts and knowledge claims. This assignment is an internal assessment worth 1/3 of their overall grade. While the students will be presenting to the younger grades, families are welcome to attend - this event is a wonderful example of the in-depth thinking of the Theory of Knowledge course. 

To highlight their successes with our broader community, a summary of the Grade 10 Personal Projects, the Grade 11 Exhibitions, and the Grade 12 Capstone presentations will be shared digitally. More information coming soon.