2020/21 Head's Report Stories

2020/21 Grade 12 Capstone Projects

To document their journey, our Grade 12 students presented their work, including the Extended Essay, CAS projects, and volunteer and work experience. This is a celebration of their educational journey at Meadowridge and encouraged students to reflect on their strengths and acknowledge those who have helped them succeed.

  • 20-21
  • Academics
  • Capstone Projects
  • IB
2020/21 Grade 10 Personal Projects

The personal project encourages students to practice and strengthen their approaches to learning (ATL) skills, to consolidate prior and subject-specific learning, and to develop an area of personal interest. The personal project provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and often creative product/outcome and to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning in the MYP.

  • 20-21
  • Academics
  • Capstone Projects
  • IB
2020/21 Grade 5 Exhibition Topics

The Grade 5 Exhibition is the culminating, collaborative experience in the final year of the IB (International Baccalaureate) Primary Years Programme. Students explore, document, and share their understanding of an issue or opportunity of personal significance to themselves.

  • 20-21
  • Academics
  • Capstone Projects
  • IB
Alumni Spotlight: Andrea Palmer '09

Location: Toronto, ON

Where is she now: Founder and CEO of Awake Labs

"My teachers at Meadowridge pushed and challenged me to reach my goals and gave me the confidence to realize that there were no limits to my potential"

  • 20-21
  • Alumni
Alumni Spotlight: Khalil Kassam '11

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Where is he now: Senior Strategy and Planning Associate at Uber Europe, Middle East and Africa

“Meadowridge was like a second home to me. It’s where I met so many great people that are still some of my closest friends to this day. Not a lot of people can say that they had that kind of experience for 13 years.”

  • 20-21
  • Alumni
Alumni Spotlight: Kyle Sholes '12

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Where is he now: Policy Director, Institute of Public Policy and Economy, StrategyCorp

“Meadowridge taught me to take risks. To speak up, share ideas, and engage in debate. The confidence to have my voice heard and, more importantly, hear others’ voices, is a skill I use every day.”

  • 20-21
  • Alumni
The Wong Family Shares: The importance of donating the MEID

The school community has done so much for our family, so donating the MEID has always been in the back of my mind. The school finished the expansion of the Theatre and Gym when we started, and the DP addition was completed just in time for Noah to experience. I believe we need to pay it forward, no matter how small the contribution, for the next generation of students.

  • 20-21
  • Giving
2020 Giving Day Highlights

 On December 1, 2020, Meadowridge hosted its first-ever Giving Day, joining the global Giving Tuesday movement, which inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. In celebration of the school’s 35-year anniversary, Meadowridge Giving Day ran for 35 consecutive hours and raised a total of $152,287 from 154 donors.

  • 20-21
  • Advancement
Food for Good

Food is an essential part of our lives. Food connects us, nourishes us, and brings us joy. It is the fuel for not only our bodies and minds, but also our celebrations, our gatherings, and our traditions.

  • 20-21
  • OE3
Meadowridge adds an on-campus weather station to support experiential learning (rain or shine)

“We go outside because it’s good for us,” Outdoor, Experiential, Ecological Education (OE3) Coordinator Mr. James Willms nods, “it’s where we play, learn and explore.” This belief has shaped the culture and curriculum of our school, and it has shaped our students, too. Through education and through experience, students’ awareness, preparedness, and outdoor skills grow steadily over time. Daily outdoor recess and classes and clubs teach students to watch the weather and come prepared, tasks which are now much easier and more visible thanks to a new, on-campus resource – a weather station!

  • 20-21
  • OE3
Mr. Spurgeon earns NIAAA Certified International Athletic Administration Certificate

Mr. Spurgeon earned NIAAA Certified International Athletic Administrator certification, demonstrating the highest level of knowledge and expertise in the field of international interscholastic athletic administration. The voluntary certification process includes a thorough evaluation of the candidate's educational background, experience, and professional contributions, as well as a rigorous, comprehensive written examination.

  • 20-21
  • Athletics
Daniel Shares: His experience being a student council member

Council projects can be both fun and frivolous as well as extremely serious and important. As council members, we get the opportunity to shape a part of the culture of the school and make a difference, from bringing a smile to people’s faces, planning events for students to let off steam, or informing and educating our peers about serious, contemporary issues. I have a sincere interest in the welfare of others and believe in the importance of fun. I like being a part of planning those events and helping shape the student experience at our school.

  • 20-21
  • Student Life
Grad Assembly Moments

To celebrate the Meadowridge Class of 2021, students and teachers, families and friends tuned in to watch the live Graduation Assembly. Teachers shared their memories and best wishes, while a compilation video celebrated each of our graduate’s unique characteristics and strengths.

  • 20-21
  • Technology
Meverest Shares: Her experience with library resources

The library is one of my favourite spots in the school. I’ve attended Meadowridge since Grade 8, but it wasn’t until Grade 11 that it became a place I visited every day. The library and its resources were especially helpful during the Extended Essay (EE). The library provided a physical place to meet with our supervisors, while the librarians helped with a research workshop that became the backbone of 
our 4,000-word papers.

  • 20-21
  • Library
Nancy shares: On writing Darling, the 2021 Meadowridge Song of the Year

I find that if I figure out a chord progression, I can usually pair it with a fun concept and the songwriting process goes really fast from there. I never plan any of my songs; I just play chords on my guitar and sing what comes to mind, write it down, and edit as I go. When I finish a significant chunk of a song, I record it in my voice memos app – which currently holds 230 different voice memos! – so that I don’t forget how the song goes.

  • 20-21
  • Arts
DP Art Exhibition 2021

A culmination of two years of work, the Diploma Programme Art Exhibition is a showcase of creation and inquiry in multiple mediums. Hear from the artists, see their works, and read their statements. Here are six of our eight Grade 12 student art exhibitions, presented online.

  • 20-21
  • Arts
Digital Music Program

The Digital Music was established after significant research, planning, and investment ($22,829 invested and purchased through the Annual Fund). With new audio equipment and software, students wrote, arranged, recorded, edited, mixed, and mastered 39 different songs and released the three-volume Kaleidoscope. 

  • 20-21
  • Arts
Akira's Story: On Joining Meadowridge

After moving back to British Columbia, I began volunteering at my local library where, by complete chance, I befriended a few Meadowridge students and together we started a science club. The challenging curriculum, plethora of extracurricular offerings, and countless hours of working with passionate and creative students at the library convinced me to attend the school. It’s quite funny – in my case, I was the one pressuring my parents to apply to this school!

  • 20-21
  • Community