The Uniform Shop Is Open: Shop Online or Book an Appointment
Shop online, stop by, or book an appointment for in-person fittings, and – as always – let us know if you have any questions. If you don’t require an appointment, you can stop or shop online and use our curbside pick-up service. If you’re joining us for an in-person uniform fitting please make an appointment by calling 604.380.1992 or email uniforms@meadowridge.bc.ca.
Drop-ins are welcome if you require a few items. If fittings are required please make an appointment online here.
The Meadowridge uniform is worn with pride. All students are tied by the commonality of the uniform, and it makes for a more inclusive community. Here, the focus is on what someone says and does; students express themselves through behaviour, not designer labels. That’s why every student at our school wears a uniform every day.