Duke of Edinburgh's International Award
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award - Canada is a global program that challenges, empowers, and recognizes young people between the ages of 14 to 24. By recognizing the amazing things young people can do and learn outside the boundaries of formal education, the Award empowers them to discover hidden talents, develop untapped leadership potential and make a difference in their community.
Please reach out to the Program Coordinator Mrs. Deanne Nielsen at
deanne.nielsen@meadowridge.bc.ca for more information about how you can apply.
About the Award
The Award challenges young Canadians to develop the skills and tools to improve themselves and their communities by encouraging them to go beyond their comfort zone. Many young people, through lack of confidence, opportunity, or education, feel incapable of affecting real change in their communities. The award helps to encourage young people develop the crucial skills needed to navigate change, build resilience, and create positive habits.
For young people, a high school diploma, college certificate or university degree shows technical prowess. An Award certificate at any level demonstrates their individual character and represents the life skills they have developed, including confidence, a sense of purpose, resilience, problem-solving, compassion, and respect for diversity.
Meadowridge Duke of Edinburgh
Award Coordinator
Ms. Deanne Nielsen
Award Leaders
Mr. Nicholas Jackson
Mr. James Willms
(Award Leader)
Information and Resources:
Why The Award Matters
The Award provides a unique framework for you to focus on personal development while exploring new interests, pushing your limits and learning from experiences. Through this framework you can build the skills to shape your future by giving you encouragement to:
- Positively engage in your mental, emotional, and physical health
- Connect with others
- Give back to your community
- Embrace a growth mindset
- Readjust to formal education
- Enjoy yourself!
Student Stories
“Never in my life have I thought I would go on overnight camping trips and cook dinner in a stove with my friends, but since participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award, it has challenged me to participate in numerous activities that I wouldn’t have pursued otherwise and overall, shaped me into a more well-rounded person.”
eva, silver, and gold Award Holder