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People of Meadowridge: Mrs. Allison Fontana

Mrs. Allison Fontana

Where you’ll find her… Inside, outside, upstairs, downstairs, or in her office. Finding her can be like playing hide-and-go-seek over the 152,000 square feet of facilities here at Meadowridge. Since we are such a large facility, she has a lot of ground to cover in a day to support the team. Here since… 2020.

What does your day as the Operations Manager look like?
My days are never the same which helps keep my job fun. I always hold a safety and team planning meeting first thing in the morning with the maintenance team, groundskeeper, and daytime custodian. I work closely with subcontractors for anything from Christmas tree light installation to boiler repairs or working with the head chef in the kitchen to maintain the kitchen equipment. Any requests that come in from teachers or parents regarding facilities are also a big part of my job.

What are the hardest parts of your job?
The most challenging part of the job is managing work getting done because almost everything is a priority. If it’s being requested from facilities or the custodial department, it’s because it is important. Prioritizing is key for my team. It’s never just one small task, everything is a part of the overall operations of the school functioning optimally. 

What are the best parts of your job?
I have the privilege of working with every staff member, somehow, someway, and ensuring that the school is safe for staff, faculty, students, parents, and the Community.


I didn’t expect the traffic cones to become such a hit and for the traffic cones to turn into a series. I was so surprised we were able to find traffic cone costumes, I originally thought they were candy corn costumes. 

What’s your favourite Meadowridge tradition?
I really love seeing the graduating class throwing their grad caps during graduation but at Meadowridge specifically, I love the House System. I like the houses because it truly is a friendly competition, and everyone is working towards the same goal, still with the community feel. It’s always exciting when new people come on staff to see the excitement of what house they are going to join and to get their house shirt. It’s the lingo here, for a new staff member to be asked what house they’re in.

What would surprise us about you?
I am a HUGE WWF fan and I’ve actually met Jake ‘the Snake” Roberts and Brett ‘the Hitman” Hart in person.

One person you would like to sit down with, living or deceased?
I’d have to say, my dad. He passed away when I was in my late 20’s and growing up, I never asked those personal questions, ones like these to get to know him more. What were his favorite chocolate bars growing up, favourite restaurants, things he would do for fun, etc. Questions like these that are fun and personal, but not ones we think to ask those who are closest to us. 

Favourite Meadowridge memory?
Being asked to join Mr. Terry Donaldson in what I thought was a short traffic video. I didn’t expect the traffic cones to become such a hit and for the traffic cones to turn into a series. I was so surprised we were able to find traffic cone costumes, I originally thought they were candy corn costumes.

Spring or fall?
Fall 100% - sweater weather! My favourite time of year.

Favourite meal?
Tacos! More specifically, shrimp tacos but good ones are hard to find.

Best way to spend the day?
On a vacation in Vegas with my family. Exploring, sightseeing, and eating shrimp tacos at a buffet.