• In the Classroom
  • Student Experience
Shared Language, Common Understanding

The release of ChatGPT-3.5 and DALL-E took generative AI from the stuff of science fiction to that of the everyday.

All of a sudden, AI was everywhere – including our discourse. As the use and access of AI grew, so too did concerns about it: How do we ensure privacy? Avoid misuse and misconduct? Lessen its bias? 

It’s these very questions that Meadowridge School began to consider this past summer. Recognizing its potential impact, the Educational Technology Committee, a 15-person team made up of teachers, staff, and administrators, launched an inquiry into AI in schools early on. Led by Coordinator of Educational Technology Ms. Christina Reis, the team has worked to support students and teachers with this significant new technology. 

Knowing that changes were inevitable, Ms. Reis explains that the inquiry has been a “dynamic process”. While reading over many policies and speaking with even more leaders and teachers, some obvious first steps emerged. The committee understood an academic framework was needed, something that would support students and teachers to ensure ethical use. 

Ahead of the Grade 5 Exhibition, Ms. Reis catches up with teachers to prepare.

Of course, the committee knew whatever they offered would need to be amenable and easy to adjust. As Ms. Reis puts it, “usable, meaningful, and a start.”

The resulting Integration of AI guidelines provides the Meadowridge community with a common vernacular for its use. Teachers can use the guidelines to frame assignments, while students can use them to ensure ethical use in their submissions. Along with the release, Ms. Reis has been busy finding professional development opportunities and offering information sessions that can further support our community. 

To date, she has spoken at many departmental meetings, hosted a parent information session, led a full school professional development workshop, and has had even more one-on-one conversations. In her many interactions with people across the continuum and our school, Ms. Reis is sure that, in this time of change, being open-minded and knowledgeable is an important first step.

When should I Integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Classroom... 

With the evolving advances of technology and AI integration, here are some recommendations for ethical integrations of AI uses in the classroom 

If AI is not mentioned, it is presumed NO AI is permitted on any portion of the task. 

Academic integrity policy. Appendix 6: Guidance on the use of artificial intelligence tools. International Baccalaureate (2023). https:// www.ibo.org/globalassets/new-structure/programmes/shared-resources/pdfs/academic-integrity-policy-en.pdf (p.59-61). Accessed October 8, 2023. 

AI Tools for the Classroom: Guidelines. (2023). St. George’s School 2023-24. 

Anders, B. A. (2023). How Students Can Use AI Without Violating Academic IntegrityLinks to an external site. [Infographic]. 

Dennis, Michelle (2023). AI Use at Haileybury. 

Faculty of Education: Learning Design Views. AI Corner. University of British Columbia. https://learningdesignviews.educ.ubc.ca/ai-corner/ .Accessed November 20, 2023. 

University of British Columbia. (2024). Prompt Engineering. Canvas. 

🟢 AI Use Encouraged 
Content needs to be checked for accuracy and bias. 
Students may use AI as directed but sources must be properly cited and prompts noted. 

□ Check AI-Generated Content 
□ AI Sources Cited 

🟠 Limited AI Use Permitted 
Text needs to be written by student, evidence of prompts and process must be discussed, recorded, and submitted. 
Students may use AI for feedback, revision, or structure.  

□ Process of Task Submitted 
□ AI Sources Cited 

🔴 No AI Tools Permitted 
No use of AI is permitted at any stage. 
Computer-based tasks designed to assess core skills. 

□ AI-Detection on Submission 
□ Browser Process Recorded 

Task is designed to assess core skills. Students will complete task without technology in testing conditions. 

□ Handwritten 
□ Timed Assessment 




Parlez-vous AI?

As a French Teacher, immersion and engagement are central to Mme. Gish’s approach. The Elementary and High School teacher is always on the lookout for French resources for her classroom and, if something she wants doesn’t exist, she’ll translate and create it for herself. Most recently, it was the Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) guidelines that Ms. Christina Reis had drafted and circulated to staff. Finding it helpful for her own understanding, Mme. Gish wanted a French version for her class. To help her better understand the technology, she even used AI during the translation process to explore its different uses and prompts. Since wrapping the project up, she and her students have had many discussions about the poster and AI use in her class.